Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The second coming of CiO

As you can see from the archive, I launched this blog five years ago (on my 29th birthday, for some reason I can't remember). Since then, it's been stone dead. Like so many other blogs. But now, from the ashes arises the Culture is Ordinary blog!

Why? And why now? I guess the answer must be that I feel I should give something back to the Norwegian taxpayers who fund the Ph.D I recently began at the Department of media and communication at the University of Oslo. (You wonder what my Ph.D is about? I'll save that for later.) Or perhaps it is that I now feel the need to communicate with the world outside my crammy office? Or perhaps it's a touch of mid-thirties vanity.

Anyway, expect somewhat more frequent postings on CiO in the coming period. As it says in the banner headline thingy, I will use this blog for several purposes, personal and academic, but the common denominator will be issues cultural. So what does it mean, that Culture is Ordinary? More on the origin of this blog's name tomorrow - or sometime soon, anyway.

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